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Save Wildlife and Nature of Assam

The natural diversity of Assam and North East India is really unique. Assam is the habitat of few of the rarest animals, birds, reptiles, forests in the world. But it is more important to save these natures' gifts. Today, our earth is facing threat due to the thousand years activities and destructions of human race. Being the most intelligent living being in the earth, it is our responsibity to protect earth and it's nature.

Few Rare species found in Assam

The Great One Horn Rhino

Though the Horn of Indian rhino is their symbol of strength and power, it is the one of the main reason of their threatended extinction. Despite all the initiatives and efforts, there were 10 rhinos killed by poachers in Assam in 2008... Find more
Wildlife & Nature News

North East India is a natural treasure due to its unique geography. But the rare species found in the area are in danger. There are some good news and some bad, shared in this space. Click Here.

Nature and Assam

The Mighty Brahmaputra

The river Brahmaputra is the symbol of power and majesty for the people of Indian subcontinent...This extremely powerful river has not only caught the imaginations of farmers of the river valley but also the adventure sports. Find more

The river Brahmaputra

Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary

Dehing-Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in Assam is the India’s only wet evergreen rainforest. It is considered as Wild cat heaven in the world. Find more