Aswaklanta is one of ancient temple in Assam famous as Hindu pilgrimage. Situated near to Guwahati and Brahmaputra,
this temple also carries scenic beauty.
Aswaklanta Temple was built by Ahom King Shiva Singha in 1720. Shiva Singha built most of the biggest Hindu temples of Assam
including the famous Shiva Dole of Sivasagar. The temple is situated by the bank of mighty Brahmaputra. There are two temples in that
holy place. One situated in the foot hill and the other in the up hill - Kurmayanardan and Anantasayi by name.
The place where the temples were built holds hindo mythological importance. Mythology says that while Lord Krishna searched
for Narakasur to kill him, his horse got tired in this place.This is how this place was named Aswa-Klanta. Aswa means 'Horse'
and Klanta means 'Tired' in Assamese. According to another legend, horses belonged to Arjun, the great Pandava and
friend of Krishna, were persuaded in this place to stay back from the better scene so that Abhimanyu could get killed.
It was a conspirancy and called 'abhikranta' in assamese. From this word the place was named as Aswa-krata. And later it became
Aswaklanta in popular language.
The temple was damaged in the great earth quake of Assam in 1897. But it was reapired under patronage of lord Kurzon,
then viceroy of Assam.
Formally there was a Kunda, a place of sacrifice near the temple. Now this Kunda does not exist because it was
eroded by the river Brahamputra. Inside the temple, there are two images one of Janardana and the other of
Anantasai Vishnu. The later is a fine art specimen of eleventh century. There is one stone inscription on the body of
the temple.
The temple is well connected by both road and ferries. Crossing Brahmaputra in Ferries can be a wonderful experience.
The serene beuty of the place attracts everyone. Janmashtami and Ashokashtami are two hindu festivals most celerated
in this temple.
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