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Three Years and continuing..
Onlinesivasagar has come a long a way and it's been more than three years now. I have added many new contents during this period covering
topics on assamese music, movies to tourism and literature. It is evolving from a website on Sivasagar to a generic website on Assam.
I have got mails from well wishers with contents and
suggestions. These suggestions are valuable and helped me making the website better. Thanks a lot again for your support
and inspirational words.
I have plans to make the website more rich in features and contents. Hope time will allow me to achieve the same. Your feedback
and any content contribution will the most valuable help to me to keep this site alive and going stronger!
Wish every one a heppy new year.
Abhijit Borah
One Year of OnlineSivasagar
It's been a year now and this small website is getting good response from users.
I added lots of new contents to the website and many of them are related to whole of Assam.
These includes assamese literature, music, media, movies, etc. It's always difficult to get the data
staying far away from Assam. But my parents and few friends helped me whenever I asked for anyhting. Thanks to all of them.
My efforts are still on and trying to keep up the expectations. While working in this website I, myself is discovering more how diverse, beautiful and culturally rich Assam is!
I recently added some google ads to some of the pages. I thought for this long. As metioned previously,
I never wanted to put any advertisement to the site. But after some of my friends suggestions, I
decided to put some just to recover some of my expenses and time invested in this website. I put
this website in a very good web-hosting company as I always care for this website, so little expensive! I am trying to make sure that
ads should never annoy any user.
Wishing you all 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' 2009. Thanks a lot for your supports and feedbacks in last one year.
Abhijit Borah
Initial Notes
I was born in Dibrugarh and our family shifted to Sibsagar when I was one and a half years old only.
I was brought up in that small beautiful town of Assam. I have seen all ups and down of the place, the peaceful Sibsagar and
the terrorist ridden place. Its my homeland and I am proud to be a part of it.
Professionally I am a software engineer and its my everyday affair to play around the internet. But I always felt so bad, in fact very backward whenever I don't see an website
for my town, apart from one govt initiative. I have been observing a lack of site since last thre four years. I expected a site where I would get all information about my town, a site where
a person want to visit Sibsagar can refer to, but not a single website came up. At last around six months back I thought of building one by myself. I am not a webdesigner by profession, so I encountered lots of difficulties at the beginning. And
the most challenging part was to manage time to create a full fledged site with by busy office schedule. I started it with full energy, but the progress was very slow.
In last six months I could probably complete 10% of total information what I thought at the beginning to put in this website. And I always found it so difficult to find out the informations sitting here in Bangalore.
I didn't have a target date when to make this site open for public, but thought it will be good if I can do it before the start of 2008, it will be new year gift to my place!
I am not sure how much am I successful creating this site or how much I will be in near future. But I will be happy even one person finds it helpful. I need to thank my parents and my sisters(Jun ba, Kutu ba and both bhindew) who brought me few books on Sivasagar down there from Assam. Also special thanks to Krishma who has guided me through the design of this site.
This website is definitely non commercial and if you observe, you will find not a single advertisement anywhere. I am putting contents with positive
aspects of our society only. I didn't want to repeat the same old political problem here. I hope will find many more companions here who will contribute to this website with their writings and any information around Sivasagar and our lovley Assam.
You may find some pages still not completed. Sorry for this inconvenience. I will try to complete those pages as soon as possible. Please don't forget to leave your message or suggestions in the guest book. Thanking you and wishing you Happy new year!
Abhijit Borah, Bangalore
My Blogs
My Travel Blogs
My Technical Blogs
Nature and Wildlife
Copyright © 2007-2008 onlinesivasagar.com(Abhijit Borah)