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Nathan & Eliza Brown - Their contributions to Assamese Language
Doctor Nathan Brown was not just a Missionary, his contributions to the Assamese society and
language are countless and unforgottable.
Doctor Nathan Brown was born in United States of America in 1807. He along with Rev. Oliver Cutter's
family came down to Assam in 1836 from Burma as a Christian Missionary.They carried a printing
machine with them and first arrived in Sadiya, eastern most part of Assam. They started schools
in Assamese and Khaamti languages and authored text books. They also started the translation of
'New Testament' to Assamese. But in 1839 due to Khamti rebellions, Brown along with Cutter left
for Jaipur,India. But they kept publishing in Assamese from there.
Doctor Nathan Brown
Eliza Brown
In 1843, Brown and Cutter family came back to Assam, this time establishing in Sibsagar.
The complete translation of 'New Testament' was first published in 1848 as 'Amaar Traankorta Jisu Christor Natun Niyom'.
In 1854 he published 'Christor Biworon and Xhubho Bartaa'. He also translated few paryers to assamese.
Brown started the translated of Bible he was finally completed in 1903 with other missionaries efforts.
One of the important contribution to assamese language by Brown is 'Grammatical Notes of Assamese language'.
It was printed at the Americal Baptist Mission Press in 1848, Sibsagar and published by
Americal Baptist Missionary Union, Nowgong,Assam,1893. In 1846 along with Cutter he published
'Orunodoi', the first Assamese magazine. He was editor of the magazine for 9 long years.
Brown printed and published some of the important books in assamese language.
To name a few, 'Axhaam Buronji'(Assam's History) by Kashinath Phukan in 1844,
'Mathematics' two parts by Bokul Kayastha in 1845, 'Chutiya Buronji' in 1850, etc.
Eliza Brown was Nathan's wife and partner in work. She also published a Story book,
a Mathematics book and a Geography book for children. Brown family adopted a child from Gohpur, Assam.
Later he was known as Nidhi Libai Farwale and helped the Browns in their missionary works.
You can discuss more about Nathan Brown and Assamese literature here.
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